OpenBSD - The Beginning

I didn’t expect that my first post on this new website will be about technology directly but exactly in the same time when I’m writing this I also decided to start some tests with OpenBSD on my ThinkPad T495.

I don’t know what to expect yet from this experiment but I’ll figure this out when I cross this bridge. For now the assumption is very simple: the installation of base system, add some graphic interface even if I’ll spend most of the time in console still browser and mail client would be nice and then I’ll start to tinker and learn the system.

I’ve been using only Linux as my daily driver on laptops and on my servers for the last couple of years so I hope learning curve won’t be so steap.



Free and open-source software enthusiast

First Published 2024-12-18

Categories: [ tech ]

Tags: [ bsd openbsd ]